Sevinç Sünger Our sponge production facility, which operates in Bursa İnegöl and has a large production area of ​​25,000 square meters, provides services using the latest technology in upholstery sponge production. With our advanced technology production track, we closely follow the innovations in the sector and integrate these innovations into our production processes, offering high quality sponge solutions to our customers.

Our company, which always prioritizes customer satisfaction, aims to produce customized products that meet the needs and expectations of each customer, together with its professional colleagues. As a team, we constantly improve ourselves to ensure the satisfaction of our customers and provide them with the best service.

Sevinç Sünger We are in a leading position in the industry with our approach that does not compromise on quality and innovation in our production process. Our company, which specializes in the production of upholstery foam, has the capacity and competence to meet all the needs of our individual and corporate customers. We will continue to provide the best service to our valued customers with our professional team and state-of-the-art production track.


As Sev!nç Sünger, our m!ss!on !s to keep customer sat!sfact!on at the h!ghest level by follow!ng the !nnovat!ons !n the sector and offer!ng h!gh qual!ty, durable and env!ronmentally fr!endly products to our customers.


We act w!th awareness of our respons!b!l!t!es to soc!ety and the env!ronment and shape our bus!ness processes accord!ngly. Th!s approach !s not only a bus!ness model for us, but also one of our most !mportant values.

Company Information

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